Al-Quds Foundation of Malaysia (QFM) organized the Al-Quds Oath event in collaboration with Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) to voice its support for Jerusalem and Palestinians today, a year after United States President Donald Trump officially announced Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city on Dec 6 last year.
The event, held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) saw the attendance of Deputy Works Minister Mohd Anuar Tahir, Ustazah Zaina Amr, Murabita from al-Aqsa as the main guest of the event, and representatives from 40 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who gathered to voice their opposition to the United States’ support for Jerusalem as the Israel capital city.
Al-Quds Foundation Malaysia CEO Dr. Sharif Abu Shammala said he was pleased with the support shown by representatives from Malaysian NGOs who attended the oath signing ceremony.
“Exactly on this day last year, US President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel so we choose the exact same date this year to come together and voice our opposition to that move in a peaceful manner to show that this is a peaceful initiative.
“This event today is a symbolic event to show to the world that we stand united against this evil act against the Palestinian people and how the move against Jerusalem will only make the situation worse,” he said in his opening speech.
Dr. Sharif praised the Malaysian government for standing strong against the stance by US and Israel on Jerusalem.
“We are grateful for the Malaysian government that sent its representative to join in taking the oath for Al Quds with the presence of Deputy Works Minister Mohd Anuar Tahir amongst our group today,” he said.
Meanwhile, Mohd Anuar welcomed the goodwill and reiterated that Malaysia, under the leadership of Dr. Mahathir, would continue to support the struggle of the Palestinian people.
“The conspiracy against the Palestinians and Jerusalem has been going on for a long time. But the decision to declare the holy land of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is an evil act that threatens stability of the region.
“Many innocent people have suffered under this occupation and Israel continues to provoke the Muslim population. The only way to stop terrorism is to remove the cause which is the Israel occupation,” he said.
He said the meeting today would ensure that proactive steps such as education, boycotts, and raising of funds can be done to help the Palestinian cause and make a symbolic stand against Israel.
At the end of the function, those on attendance stood up and recited the oath of Al Quds together.
Mohd Anuar was later invited on stage by Dr. Sharif to sign the Al Quds Oath.
Mohd Anuar was also given an olive leaf and a bottle of soil from Jerusalem by Ustazah Zeina Amr from Palestine.
She said it was a symbolic gesture for the Malaysian government to return the favour when Palestine would be eventually free.