A delegation from al-Quds Foundation Malaysia (QFM) visited Dato’ Dr. Wan Azizah Ismail, Malaysian deputy prime minister in her office in Kuala Lumpur.
The delegation included Dr. Sharif AbuShammala, CEO of QFM and Ustaza Zaina Amr aMurabita of Al-Aqsa who updated DPM on the current situation of al-Quds and Masjid Al-Aqsa after one year of Trump’s decision to recognize al-Quds as the capital of Israel. Amr also highlighted the suffering of the Palestinian women under the occupation.
For his part, AbuShammala paid tribute to the Malaysian government that continues to extend political, financial and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people in their struggle to bring an end to the occupation. He also thanked Malaysia for its continuous support and called upon widening it by bringing other countries to support Palestine by Malaysia as a leading power in the region. DPM welcomed the delegation and affirmed the Malaysian un waived support of Palestinian rights. At the end of the visit, DPM received a special gift from Al-Aqsa yard (sand and olive branch) brought by the Murabita, as well as a collection of QFM publications.